Words to Live and Write by

I am willing to fall Because I have learned how to rise.

I craft Love from heartbreak, Compassion from shame, Grace from disappointment, Courage from failure.

I am among the brave and brokenhearted, and I am rising strong.

(credit to Brene Brown)

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Goodnight Moon for Mommies

My version of the classic bedtime story, hastily written in five minutes, so forgive the bad poetry.
Dedicated to moms everywhere who have a hard time going to bed with all there is to see:

In mom's great messy house
There was a barbie doll
And cluttered halls
And a picture of -
Something colored on the wall.
And there were mountains of clothes
And a runny nose
And two mismatched socks
And unprepared talks
And crumbs on floors
And a husband who snores
And bows and a brush
And a bowl of something that looks like mush.
Goodnight house
Goodnight cluttered halls
Goodnight writing on the walls
Goodnight dirty clothes
And the runny nose
Goodnight socks
Goodnight talks
Goodnight floors
Goodnight snores
Goodnight sippy cups
And goodnight toy pups
Goodnight dirty dishes
And goodnight bedtime kisses
Goodnight bows
And goodnight brush
Goodnight everybody
Goodnight fuss
And goodnight to that something that looks like mush
Goodnight princesses
Goodnight bears
Goodnight diapers everywhere!

(Pictures of my own messy house to follow.. MAYBE - you know, to make an actual bedtime book.)

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