Words to Live and Write by

I am willing to fall Because I have learned how to rise.

I craft Love from heartbreak, Compassion from shame, Grace from disappointment, Courage from failure.

I am among the brave and brokenhearted, and I am rising strong.

(credit to Brene Brown)

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

What are you trying to accomplish?

I was just trying to be Brave.


I just wanted to come out of my Closet of Shame.

I just wanted to be Real.

I was only trying to Share my Stories.

"Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: What! You too? I thought I was the only one." - C.S. Lewis

And, once again, Glennon has already written my words for me:
"We're not often permitted to tell the truth in everyday life. There is a small set of words we are allowed to say, like, "I'm fine, and you?" But we are not supposed to say much of anything else, especially how we are really doing. We find out early that telling the whole truth makes people uncomfortable and is certainly not ladylike or likely to make us popular, so we learn to lie sweetly so that we can be loved. And when we figure out this system, we are split in two: the public self, who says the right things in order to belong, and the secret self, who thinks other things.
"Every little girl is told at some point that the world does not want to see the ugly, afraid, secret version of her. Sometimes the people who tell her this are advertisers, sometimes they're people close to her, and sometimes they're just her own demons.
"She must be taught that, in fact, some people WILL want and need to hear about her secret self ... because reading her truth will make them less afraid of their own secret selves. And she must be taught that telling her truth will make her less afraid, too.
"She must also be warned that her truth will undoubtedly make some people uneasy and angry, so she'll need to share it strategically, perhaps through art [including writing], which God offers as a safe way to express joy and madness. And she'll need a trusted person to help her find her medium, so she won't feel that she has to hide any longer."


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